Tenders Description & Specification for Cloud Bottle
Cloud Bottle
A Liquid Crystal thermometer strip measures temperature changes throughout the experiment.
This hands-on activity teaches the relationship between pressure and temperature in a closed container.
Making a cloud with this apparatus is easy.
Remove the top and put a few drops of water inside the bottle.
Actuate the quick-release top and due to rapid decompression, a cloud forms instantly inside the bottle.
26 cm tall.
Affordable and ideal for classroom sets.
Add air to the bottle using the pump and watch: as the pressure increases, so does the temperature.
Learning Areas covered:
Cloud Generation
Adiabatic Compression (Thermal Contraction)
Adiabatic Expansion (Thermal Expansion).
Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Cloud Bottle used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Earth And Space Sciences for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities