Tenders Description & Specification for Experimentation with BJT Ampilfiers and Emitter Follower
Experimentation with BJT Ampilfiers and Emitter Follower
BJT Experimentation with Amplifiers and Emitter follower is a unique product designed to explain the role of BJTs as Single Stage/Multistage RC-coupled Amplifiers and as a Common Collector Emitter Followers. One of the most common method for coupling two stages of an amplifier is RC-coupling. RC-coupled amplifiers have the advantage of wide frequency response and a relatively small cost and size.
Darlington Transistors are circuits that combine two bipolar transistors in a single device such that high Current Gain (b) is obtained and lesser space is required than that used by two discrete transistors. It is useful for students In plotting the Frequency vs. Gain Response of BJTs and in the measurement of parameters such as Bandwidth, Input Impedance etc.
Experimentation with BJT Ampilfiers and Emitter Follower is an ideal platform to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
To study the operation of single stage and multi stage RC–Coupled amplifier
To plot the frequency response of RC–Coupled amplifier
To calculate the current gain and input impedance of Darlington pair and b of a transistor
To calculate the voltage gain of Darlington pair using voltage divider biasing
Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Experimentation with BJT Ampilfiers and Emitter Follower used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Analog Trainer Lab Equipment for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities
Categories: Analog Trainer Lab Equipment