Tenders Description & Specification for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Flexible Manufacturing Systems UK, Kenya, China, Turkey, Thailand, Dubai and Malaysia
Flexible Manufacturing (FMS) System is an integrated, computer controlled, automated manufacturing system that covers material handling system, and CNC machine tools, that can simultaneously process medium sized volumes of variety of parts. The system can be expanded to computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) system by adding conveyor systems, co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM), automated guided vehicle (AGV) and assembly automation system.
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is a system in which Method of producing goods is readily adaptable to the changes in the product being manufactured. A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) gives manufacturing firms an advantage in a quickly changing manufacturing environment.
Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Flexible Manufacturing Systems used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and CAD and CAM Laboratory Equipment for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities
Categories: CAD and CAM Laboratory Equipment