Load Rings - LTek Online
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Load Rings
Load Rings
Product Code: LTEKCTLB-SMT48-008

Tenders Description & Specification for Load Rings

Load Rings

Load rings are used for load measurement in soil mechanics test such as, shear, triaxial, uncondiend, CBR ....
All models can be fitted with T1000/F, a special stem brake unit which maintains the maximum reading after the failure of the specimen.
Load ring can be directly connected to the adapter fit on the crosshead of triaxial frames. Using the connector they can be adapted to our complete range of triaxial cells.
All model are made from special alloy steel and they are supplied analogue dial gauge 0.001 mm and calibration chart.

Technical Specifications:
High resolution dial gauge. 0.001 mm (analogue and digital)
Dimensions: 182 mm dia, 214 mm high
Accuracy: ±1%
Weight: 1.2 to 2.2 kg

Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Load Rings used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Soil Mechanics Testing Equipment for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities

Categories: Soil Mechanics Testing Equipment

Tags: Load Rings

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