Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment - LTek Online
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Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
Product Code: LTEKCTLB-FMT61-00199

Tenders Description & Specification for Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

An important task in the construction of pipelines is to determine the pressure and flow rate in complex piping systems. In practice, the calculation of the total pressure losses serves as a foundation for the design of suitable drive units for heating and air conditioning systems, drinking water supply systems and parts of wastewater systems. Knowledge of pressure losses is also used to optimise operation.
Two manometers for different measuring ranges are included to measure differential pressure. The flow rate is measured volumetrically.
The trainer has its own water supply. The closed water circuit includes a supply tank with submersible pump.
The five pre-installed pipe sections on the top of the trainer are connected to pipe networks using the piping elements. Tank, pipes, piping elements and valves and fittings are made entirely of plastic. The individual pipe sections are shut off by ball valves. During the experiments, the pressure losses in various pipes and piping elements are recorded and evaluated.
It enables the construction and investigation of various pipe networks, such as parallel and series connections of pipes, their branching and merging, and the study of individual pipes. In analogy to Kirchhoff’s laws of electricity, it is possible to conduct nodal analysis.

Construction of pipe networks from pipe sections and various piping elements
Differential pressure measurement with twin tube manometers and differential pressure manometer
Flow rate measurement with measuring tank (can be shut off), stopwatch and level indicator
Calibration of pipe sections
Parallel and series connection of pipe sections
Investigation of different pipe networks
Panel for piping elements
Construction of a closed circular pipeline
Five pre-installed pipe sections with different diameters.

Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Fluid Mechanics Teaching Equipment for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities

Categories: Fluid Mechanics Teaching Equipment

Tags: Pipe Network Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

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