Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel - LTek Online
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Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel
Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel
Product Code: LTEKCTLB-FMT61-0066

Tenders Description & Specification for Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel

Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel

Summary Of Demonstration Topics
Fixed, smooth bed flow
Flow structures
Bedform hysteresis
Flow over a mobile sand-bed
Mechanics of sediment transport
Computational work
Flow over a fixed, gravel bed
Depositionary features and facies
Local scour.

Demonstration Capabilities:
Fixed, Smooth Bed Flow:
The flume may be used without sediment on the bed to demonstrate the following flow phenomena and governing equations:
Turbulence – flow visualization for example by dye injection from a hypodermic syringe (not supplied)
Flow measurement – using sharp crested weirs
Tranquil, sub-critical flow – movement of surface waves upstream against flow
Governing equations of open channel flow – Reynolds’ number, Froude number, continuity, Bernoulli’s equation, weir equations
Rapid, super-critical flow – dominance of inertial over gravity forces, ‘shock waves’ from flow obstructions
Hydraulic jump – transition from super to sub critical flow, air entrainment, mixing.

Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Fluid Mechanics Teaching Equipment for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities

Categories: Fluid Mechanics Teaching Equipment

Tags: Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel

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