Deep Bed Filter Column - LTek Online
Deep Bed Filter Column manufacturers & OEM manufacturers India. Deep Bed Filter Column Suppliers, Deep Bed Filter Column Exporters
Deep Bed Filter Column
Deep Bed Filter Column
Product Code: LTEKCTLB-FMT61-00218

Tenders Description & Specification for Deep Bed Filter Column

Deep Bed Filter Column

Demonstration Capabilities:
Measuring how fast total head loss increases with filtration run
Measuring pressure drop profiles through the filter bed
Measuring suspension concentration profiles through the filter bed
Demonstration of reversed flow fluidisation and backwashing
The column may be readily adapted for absorption and ion
Exchange studies.

Technical Detail:
Filter column: Clear acrylic, 100mm internal
Diameter x 1350mm long
Gauze mesh size: 0.35mm
Typical media depth: 700mm
Sump tanks: 2 – capacity 350 litres each
Manometers: 41 tube multi-bank
Flow meter range: 0.5 – 5.0 litres/min
Pump rating: 0.37Kw.

Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Deep Bed Filter Column used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Fluid Mechanics Teaching Equipment for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities

Categories: Fluid Mechanics Teaching Equipment

Tags: Deep Bed Filter Column

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