Tenders Description & Specification for Disintegration Tester
Disintegration Tester
There are six tubes in one basket assembly.
Auto stop at timing point.
The bath liquid can achieve an even temperature.
A MPU is used to automatically control the temperature, time and frequency of nacelle back and forth.
Timing at will. The preset and real time data can be displayed alternately in time.
Automation: auto-test, auto-diagnose, auto-alarm.
Basket assembly: 1
Nacelle back and forth frequency: (30~32) /min
Nacelle back and forth range: (55±2)mm
Automatic time range: (1~900)min
Accuracy of controlling temperature: (37±0.5)℃
Power: 220V/ 50Hz/ 600W or 110V/ 60Hz/ 600W
Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Disintegration Tester used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Disintegration Tester for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities
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