MSK Modulation/Demodulation Trainer - LTek Online
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MSK Modulation/Demodulation Trainer
MSK Modulation/Demodulation Trainer
Product Code: LTEKCTCS-55-2816

Tenders Description & Specification for MSK Modulation/Demodulation Trainer

MSK Modulation/Demodulation Trainer

MSK Modulation / Demodulation Trainer is designed to assist students to understand the basic working principal of Minimum Shift keying technique. As the name suggests, MSK results in a modulation scheme which has smooth phase variations in contrast to other phase modulation schemes where the modulated signal contains abrupt phase changes. The immediate advantage of such a scheme is the reduction in modulated signal bandwidth. MSK Modulation / Demodulation comprises of following major blocks :
– Digital data generator
– Sine and Cosine wave generator for wave shaping
– Sine and Cosine carrier generator
– Clock signal generator
– MSK modulator and Demodulator sections with complete signal flow


  • Self contained and easy to use
  • Functional blocks indicated on board mimic
  • On board Data Generator
  • On board Carrier Generator
  • On board clock generators
  • MSK Modulator
  • MSK Demodulator
Technical Specifications
Power supply : 230 V, 50 Hz
Data Source
Data rate : 8 Kbps
World Length : 8 bits
Data Format : NRZ (Non Return to Zero)
Clock Source : 8 KHz, 4 KHz
Carrier Generators : 25 KHz (Sinusoidal)
Pulse Shaping Waveform : 4 KHz
Interconnections : 2 mm socket
Power Supply : ± 5 V, ± 12 V DC, 200 mA
Test Points : 36

Ltekonline are the manufacturers of MSK Modulation/Demodulation Trainer used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Communication System for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities

Categories: Communication System

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